Ainveein Wele blog

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The ONE who started all gonna get his ass kicked.....

OK bhai logon,
The following post is aimed at one person alone who started all this. This is no revenge. I was trying to give him a homely feel on this blog so he wont feel dejected. Here GOES.......

First a glimpse of what he looks like and would perhaps look after a few more years.....
total JACKASS you must be thinking.....THATS HIM!!!:D

Comment on why he never gets a girl:
1. I think the above image tells a lot.
2. girls never like those who cant speak.
3. NO ONE and i mean NOOO ONE like some one who eats his own hair, and belive me he does...YUCK

I think this should be enough for now........but only for this once
this aint over yet my buddy


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