Ainveein Wele blog

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

BTAFX Now that's the short form of Better Tha A Fucking XBox. I finally got my new graphics card, an nVidia 9800 GTX (512). Well , this card has travelled a long, a really long way to finally power up my rig. Kudos !! to my friend who got this one for me. Costs around 5900 bucks from tigerdirect. The first thing I realized was that I was missing one of these: Surprisingly these were not packaged along with the card bundle so I had to run around the city (Hyderabad, where I am staying) to lookfor one of these. Finally I ended up at CTC Secundarabad. Its Hyderabad's own flavor of the Delhi's Nehru Place. So after looking around and speaking to intelligent idiots (the shopsellers) I figured out that the existsing supply on my mobo wasnt enough to produce enough juice for this 1 feet giant. Oops I think I forgot to mention, its about a feet long So finally I decided that there wasnt really a way to save any more money and just go and get a new power supply for this monster. There were not many options for SMPS offering 600W+ of power. Few vendors were: Gigabyte, CoolerMaster, Entranche. Finally after a little bit of hagging with the vendor I decided to go in for the Enterage SMPS, burns a hole of about a 3 grand. Its an Indian brand and so the lower costs, but considering that the Gigabyte was 4-5k, I think this one made sense. So finally I came back to my appt. sipped a coke and started to put the thing in its place. And here's how it looked finally:

Perf: The card delivers what it promises. I took a day off from my work just to settle my curiosity with this card and I guess it was well worth the effort :).

GRID: 1440x900 + Ultra + 4XFSAA = 50 FPS (Yeah!!) Looks stunning and no way this game can beat the card.

Gears of War: 1440x900 + Max + 4xFSAA (30-40 fps) The look and feel of the game changed radcially once the rig was on. There were lots of effects which werent visible previously and came to life all of a sudden.

Crysis: 1440x900 + Mainstream + NO FSAA (30 fps) Go crysis!!!. Once again its crysis bringing the card down on its knees. The machine seems to have been tortured on this run. Crysis has long been famous for its ridiculously high graphics requirements and this time it proves it as well. COD4: Didnt get time to check this one out as of now.

NFS: I have stopped playing NFS since the time I have fallen in love with GRID. But yeah this would work fine. Anyways people playing NFS can run it on a scientific calculator then whats the need to buy such an expensive device :)

My config as of Tuesday May 19th, 2008
AMD x2 4400+ 750 GB HDD 2 GB Corsair 667 Mhz nVidia geForce 9800 GTX Enterage 750W Power Supply


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Graduate School - College = - (College)

Ok I guess this is probably the best time to write a new blog entry... I have an exam in another 11 hours and I have not even started preparing (as usual) !! :D

But things feel a lot different now. There is no one with whom I can chat about the weirdest things in the world a night before an exam we are clueless about... There is no one with whom I can hold "that famous compeition" of counting bricks during tomorrow's exam (partially attributed to the fact that Columbia has all its walls painted ;)... there's no one who would laugh with me if I get a ZERO in tomorrow's exam ... And in the unlikely event of my being well prepared for tomorrow's exam, there is no one to say this to me: "Arre aur kitnee padhai karega, top karna hai kya kal?" :P

If you are wondering where the hell have I reached, this place is called "Graduate School" by the locals here. Fourteen thousand miles and four continents away from my parents, friends and favorite city, here I am in the city informally known as "The Big Apple", trying to re-learn things that I probably learnt well during those four golden years (2003 - 2007): the time when we enjoyed more than we worked and yet came out with wonderful results in whatever we did!

Nonetheless, I would like to end this post by stating that no matter we I go tomorrow, whatever heights I reach in life or whichever city I settle in, A-10 Sector 62 Noida will always stay in my heart and with it will stay all those moments of fun and intense work and the "mortals" who played a part in creating those moments !!

Cheers and keep this blog alive...

Note: The credit for this post goes to:

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Saturday, October 06, 2007

Crazy Ride (2007)

It really has been a long time since I wrote something here, but its always good to be back. Since the last time I wrote here, life has certainly changed alot. Some dreams came true, some things became dream.

Its not very usual when you suddenly get something which you have never expected in your entire life, something which you have always looked forward to. And its also very rare to loose someone which you never expected to loose your entire life.

Anyways most of you who are reading this blog probably are not aware of what went on in this last one year. Well I got an opportunity to be interviewed by guys from Microsoft for a job, and guess what..I finally got one!!. If you are looking for a little more on this, I will be posting something on it soon. It will contain what exactly the place is like and the kind of work that goes on at Microsoft, what are the benefits and all that you had always wanted.

But again year 2007 was probably an unforgettable year in my life. We had this amazing final year project which we did and possibly had the best time ever. We worked on all types of tools and some of the most incredible technologies we have seen till now. We created mindless number of presentations, punched in staggering lines of code, wrote down tons of paper. Discussed the coolest stuff all our peers were working on. I will try coming up with a detailed post on that sometime later.

We also created this amazing web portal for our university called the JIIT-LMS (accessed through ) It was fun working on. The service was particularly useful and drew a lot of attention from people around the university.

I dont want to make this one very long but yeah, it was a really a hard time to leave everything behind, friends, family, university, computer lab :), and go to a new place. This, I think has been the hardest thing in my life to do. And now that I am in Hyderabad (Oh did I mention I'm in Hyderabad, oh btw I'm in MS IDC which is in Hyderabad), I really miss my old folks. Everyone moved on...yeah everyone.

Some guys went abroad to study, some to other companies in Bangalore some to Chennai, but whatever the thing thing is, I think we all got emotionally hooked to each other, and if time be, we will all stand by each other, no matter when we need and where we are.

Cheers guys!!


Monday, July 17, 2006

well it is true that writing stuff and pouring out feelings and thoughts help a lot.
I know i used to a keep a sort of daily diary couple of years back but those were darker times and now a days im too busy to have anything to put up on paper.
yeah but discussing interesting stuff online is kinda fun ....
so people keep bloggin

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Back to ainveein

All right. So this is long time since ive blogged on ainveein. From now on I am planning to write my blog regularly. Not that I am expecting many people to read it, but its just that you feel good by typing on this amazing keyboard. lol...jus kiddin, sometimes you feel as if there's just something inside you....a feeling perhaps that you'd always want to come out on ink, a thought that has been keeping your mind persistantly busy thinking about something. Some appreciation for something that somehow has never reached where it was supposed to reach. Its for these that I plan to vommit all my feelings (though) repressed sometimes, on paper. So from now on, one blog a day, will surely keep the visitors away.

So the big question is, what all am I gonna write on this blog. Well..hmm...lemme think...if I start writing stuff thats totally in my interest then...perhaps only developers from MSDN would be interested in reasding my blog. So lets keep it this way, ill be having some interesting things that happened around. And also willl keep on putting the latest findings or things that I have learnt (technical).

Thursday, January 19, 2006

yeah, saaransh..errr..rather....saru ur loved ones (includin we frnds) call u, first of all . . . as a passionate urge requested by you towards the end of ur last post, ie, to abuse u for wasting our time in reading such a looong boring post, hmm, i first though to do so but ur effort is not worth that, thats the after effect after reading ur PunjaaBee experience --- hey---let me interrupt myself in btw, sorry, but u guyz mus b thinkin that y i m replyin so late to such an old post, the reason lies in the fact that lately the jiit server admns. had blocked blogspot or blogger (as u like to call it),n recently i gt new that this is open 4 use again in hostels and that gave me oppertunity to read the OLD posts LATE n reply to 'em. yeah, dun b surprized,these server administrators r morons and keep doing such kinda weird activities day after day (u mus aware of the jiit-way till now, having spent more than 2 yrs here, its been long time buddies ;)) - - - -well, resuming bk------ haan to, saru, i was sayin that yeah it feels nice after reading ur experience in the land of seven rivers ( i guess i retained this name correctly, since i m nt referring the orig post for writing here).nice writing saru. keep writing here. its too much for now in this , i 'd rather like to deviate from this topic now. Now, coming to the primer, dudes . . .this blog was created with sum objectives which are being defeated strongly. this was aimed at sharing our experiences with our frnds frankly. but the empty spaces here shows like that no1 is interested in this ESE (experience-sharing exercise) and it presents sheer neglegence on ur part, so, guyz , i press hard on u to start posting here before this brilliant initiative wil goes waste, and, obviously that shudnt be. c'mon u realise that v well. i m not tryin give an aureate display of pedagogy but i assume that u all hav sufficient courtesy to be a sport and participate here. thats all i can say for the moment. bab-bye 4 nw. cyu later. :)

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Olrite guys..its been along time since I have ( or infact anybody else has written a post on this blog) Chalo koi nahi….let me be the one to re kindle the spark of ainveein …Ok right now me cumin back from the land of five rivers …yup our very own Punjab. A place where your elders express their love towards you by the amount of desi ghee they put in your daal. :) !!! and in return you show your deepest gratitude towards them by gobbling down as many makki de rotis , and chappaties as you can, unless of course u get a ROCK SHAKING….BBUURRP !! (YUP U GOT IT….BURRRRPP!!!!!)

Actually right now I am in the train returning from Phagwara to Delhi ( Lemme recollect…..umm….yeah…Sachkhand Express!) The train has just stopped at the Karnal station…I was wondering what to do…between these jananiyaan sittin right below me and talking about all these stupid topics.

(jananiyaan : Stupid old Punjabi ladies, with humungus waist sizes, wearing lip sticks with shades of black hole!, sarees with some wierd designs , have an annoying sense of humour and could perhaps discuss all the issues of this world in an hours :) )

So Iive just taken out my notebook to write a post on ainveein just incase something comes to my mind. Well quite an interesting journey coz its just 10 people in the entire Bogie!! Yes…u heard me right …the whole bogie! so u can well imagine than right now ( thought I paid for 1 seat ) I am sittin in such a manner that I could avail maximum amount of space on the seats ( I would say…cost effective seating) though this sortta posture gets a little annoying to others….but who the hell gives a damm!...and specially for those JANANIYAANSS!!!

Its just 15 mins I flipped my notebook open and …gues wot…people have started turning thir heads….pretty unusual site to see people with open notebooks in a general class bogie…and that too in an Indian Railways train cumin frm punjab!!!!! LOL!! Infact I think some of them are getting confused with that stupid apple logo that my friend put over that SAMSUNG logo and some might get along thinking that im on Powerbook….. nice way to make some fool of those rich dumb NRIs returning from Punjab during this season.

How was my trip ?

Well all good…but my hair was the hottest issue around the block. Guess wot….some mistook me for a foreigner. My naani was like...."aiee ke kar litta tu apne baloon nu, aenne sonne baal honde seee!" One aunti was soo exceited thats she jumped over to meet me and enquire which country I had come from!!! I mean hallo…thats so weird mann!!...i mean trust me ....mai to ek aam Indian hoon ( English: I am an Indian mango :) !!) . 2 days was he least my belly took to adapt to the hight caloried and low roughage diet ) but then the moment I got the hang of it…woohoo…I sure did impress those sardars jees in eating binches of chapaatiees….! ….naa just kidding…..nothing so special…just nice food…nice weather and enjoying the family gossip with my nani and mammi !!...gosh they sure know our relatives well!!

Well where I went was like a small gaon type ( not exactly a village ) but tiny city ( tinier than a pixel on ur HDTV screen ! …HDTV -> map of India , Pixel : Phagwara )

Have a heavy breakfast and then goto to the top of the house …manji bichaoo….and so jao….wow….that sure is fun….so let me go algorithmically ( not that I like it this way but may be you comp sc. Engineer nerds would understand it better this way….waise to I Hate those guys who spend 18 / 24 hrs in front of the comp screen!!! ….serious DUMB HEADS!!!

So here goes...

· Wake up late

· Brush and dumb out waste

· Take bath ( not applicable for 4 contiguous days :D )

· Gobble down paranthas to show that you love ur relatives ( if ur about to get married ….heheh…then to uve HAD IT!!!! )

· Goto roof top

· Open up manji ( those who don’t know manji …plz dun ask me….its like a typical bed..come to my place and ill show you a manjis pic)

· Put on walkman with good rock like…creed , nickelback , avril etc …and stick the volume to MAX

· And enjoy mann….now that’s a life !!!! seriously mann

· If possible get som moonjfali ( Peanuts as those NRIs call it J )

· Also get a relative to gossip if possible …fir to …..!!

oh I just shifted down on the lower birth and guess wot….i have the window seat now….its fun to sit and take a look outside …well now its fun to pass time and ill be sayin good bye….youll be hearing from me soon….ill put this up on ainveein as soon as I land at the New Delhi station. And oh btw…..please to lemme know…how u found this….even if u wanna abuse me for wastin ur time then plz do…send me some latest abuses….got bored to those mundane Punjabi abuses….hope u know wot I mean!!

Love ya


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Kolej gonna start soon!!!!

So, only a few more days left our kolej starts again.
Wby what it seems right now, its going to be one hell of a semester, .......why?
ill tell u.

1. Placments at end of sem.
2. Too many freakin choices for subject in the start.
3. Those who gonna take MDDS are gonna get there ass scraped off by u knw who....
4. And most of the students will also start preparin for there CAt, GRE or whatever they wanna do.....

Wishin all the members of this blog and and students of JIIT,

Thursday, December 08, 2005

A Jump Into the Fray!

Looks like this blog is going to be active after all. Rename this blog to "Ainveein We 'le lo' " blog. Cause sab log ekdusre ki le rahe hain.
The 'le lo' game , so often played in coll, is on-line, so me n vishal arent gonna be behind. (arre, yeh to poem ban gayi)
When i showed the posts to vishal, he became pretty excited. " abhi aata hoon, sunny bahut hero ban rahe hain na."
sumone send him a link too.....
See ya later

The ONE who started all gonna get his ass kicked.....

OK bhai logon,
The following post is aimed at one person alone who started all this. This is no revenge. I was trying to give him a homely feel on this blog so he wont feel dejected. Here GOES.......

First a glimpse of what he looks like and would perhaps look after a few more years.....
total JACKASS you must be thinking.....THATS HIM!!!:D

Comment on why he never gets a girl:
1. I think the above image tells a lot.
2. girls never like those who cant speak.
3. NO ONE and i mean NOOO ONE like some one who eats his own hair, and belive me he does...YUCK

I think this should be enough for now........but only for this once
this aint over yet my buddy

Why we dont have a Girl friend?

Couple of days back I was wondering (exam days are perhaps the best days to think about such topics) as to y we all dont have a girlfriend and then came a few things in ma mind that I think Id share with ya all....lets take a look at some typical cases in our kolej as to y they wudnt have a gf.

Lemme tell u, if U know me and I know u ...then ur names gonna be here..if its not...then assume that the blogger server ran outta webspace and hence deleted ur name from thi list :D goes.....

(Dun jump off from a buliding if u get annoyed reading this)

Starting with ppl from b1:

1 ) Wason: Now wason did have a few crushes (ahem!!!) I wudnt name them here but I can certainly tell u that he was dammn serious ...and once his heart broke he wudnt turn and look back to that nice attiude though.

2) Adesh : Hero of kamla nagar...everygal ( ONLY AT KAMLA NAGAR ) has a crush on him...weird that he gives JET forms to a girl and suddenly the girl starts forwarding (HOT) messages to him and tries to fix up a meet!!!!....dammn y duzznt this sortta thing happen with us.!!!

3) Batra: hez one of those workaholic types and would spend his entire day in front of the computer doing strange things made my Microsoft (:-D). So if he gets involved with a gal .....well the only way i think ..thats possible is ...that the gal would be a developer at MS and he wud perhaps meet her on MSN Messenger or on some MSDN Forum or in worst case an annual Meeting organised by MIcrosoft ofor .Net developers or managing bug fixes in their latest products...LOL!

4) Me: Well as for me....if i think im writin this blog and this explains all about me. ...well I do have a crush on someone ...but jannne...kyun!!!

Olright...the batch of the playmates..B2

5) Sunny Devta: Assumed Coolest of all (YUCK!!!) , our very own hero hera laal....thinkin a karizma and long hair...a decent shape does it all....!!! Ur mistaken !!....but u never if those chicks on the fresher wud have easily gone for a ride on ur new (not even completed runin) bike.....enywaz....on lukout for someone...HOT...if ur the chosen one then plz do contact him.

6) Ankur: Too decent to talk about such a guy....again one of those guys having a blk ZMA....i wonder if suny and him got it for a sale from somewhere!! wotever i think hell perhaps be too engrossed in studying that it might just be tuff for him to find out time to read this blog ...forget gals!!

7) Shit: hes a happily married couple (Oops I dint mean married :D) but hez the luckiest of alll!!!......but u know as they say..."chaman lal gets to have the cake first!!!" :D

8) Vinamra: the playboy of the b2 batch, once upton a time gals used to chase his ass. But I dunno wot happened he became sick of girls chasing his ass...that he decided to turn things away...."yeh sab moh maya hai"

9) Vishal; Or shud i say....viii-shaal.....hez not looking for a girl right now, since hez olredy have had gr8 experiances with his (2-in-1 ...u know wot i mean :D) ....but 10/- mein "chamiya ka naach" wudnt be baad i guess..!!!

Well me running...not on street but outta time will catch ya guys later

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Sunny and marry hillary duff !!

Well I dunno y this blog is named "ainveein". It shud be named "Shit ke le lo". Coz shit does such weird things that I just love to mention here :). So lets all sing together ..."shit bhaiye gr8 hain ..shit bhaiya ke jai!!".

Ok so its 15 mins before the TOC exam ( which i must tell u all is, Sunnys favourite maybe that the reason hez got such amazing score in minors :) ). Shit me sunny and lamboo were sittin in Cl2 and trying to understand those strange weird figures and shapes when suddenly suny showed me a typically usual scene.....and guess wot....shit bhai sleeping. Ooo wot a typically unusual scene it was...mann...did v have an amazing time to c him "recharge his batteries" say strange way or recharging ones own battery though :D..LOL.

All right sunny has been studying this subject for the last 20 hrs and he was so pissed off that if he dint pass this subject then he wud simply marry hillary duff !!!!!!!!!!!!LOL. So exatcly 2 mins before the exam ankur is trying to explain those weird shapes ( arre TOC states yaar) when sunny goes blank and sayin wot ..wot yeh kaise....oh ho...yeh to!!!!??? seeming soo dammn confused that he hadnt studied that subject at all....although he knew this topic very well but the last minute tension was killer and he was going ulto blank....blanker than ever!!! ...shit and me had a hell of a time watchin him and lafin the hell ....out...

c ya

Monday, December 05, 2005

Shittoo Bhaiya and his nu ride ( Rider on the storm)

Ive heard Shit wants to be a part of the bike community . Ok.... so now he says that hez gotta a 2 wheeler too and wants to be a part of the community too (wanna be ..u know) ...but shitto bhaiya ...think again ..scooter has 3 not 2 wheels!!!!!

Ahoy!./....heres our Shitto bhaiya on his NU ride.

Take a look....

Sunday, December 04, 2005

A Report :

Place - Sangli, New Delhi - 1
Time - 2:30 pm IST

People present - one the 'gr8' biker and 2 other insignificant 'non-bikers'.
Well - 2day Saroo - one of the "BIKER" (ref. last post) claimed to fill this Blog with Bikes, Bikes and Bikes 'TALKS' ............. Well . . . lets c how far he can go . . . . . Keep Accessing this place for more action...VROOOOOOOM............................ Gud Luck to Saraansh 'Dhoom' Bugga ;)......... haha

NOTE for silly peters : messeges posted here should not be taken at heart. It must b understood that its all masti.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Yeh wahi log hain jo AISI BIKES chalte hain !!!

jus as a dialouge in the movie DHOOM goes ... "Iss shehar mein woh kaunse log hain jo aisi bikes chalte hain? Ek to dhoondh lo ... saara gang mil jayega!"

we have already got a "gang" of 3 bikers jo "aisi bikes" chalate hain !!! (no prizes for the right answer). Jus say this line in front of ne of them & c the glow on their faces :)

teenon bach ke rehna ... kahin future mein chor police ka game na khelna pade ;)

Friday, December 02, 2005

This is an ainveein blog wela things that happen in, around, and of curz ON the kolej. :D my frendz do keep on bloggin.....