Ainveein Wele blog

Thursday, January 19, 2006

yeah, saaransh..errr..rather....saru ur loved ones (includin we frnds) call u, first of all . . . as a passionate urge requested by you towards the end of ur last post, ie, to abuse u for wasting our time in reading such a looong boring post, hmm, i first though to do so but ur effort is not worth that, thats the after effect after reading ur PunjaaBee experience --- hey---let me interrupt myself in btw, sorry, but u guyz mus b thinkin that y i m replyin so late to such an old post, the reason lies in the fact that lately the jiit server admns. had blocked blogspot or blogger (as u like to call it),n recently i gt new that this is open 4 use again in hostels and that gave me oppertunity to read the OLD posts LATE n reply to 'em. yeah, dun b surprized,these server administrators r morons and keep doing such kinda weird activities day after day (u mus aware of the jiit-way till now, having spent more than 2 yrs here, its been long time buddies ;)) - - - -well, resuming bk------ haan to, saru, i was sayin that yeah it feels nice after reading ur experience in the land of seven rivers ( i guess i retained this name correctly, since i m nt referring the orig post for writing here).nice writing saru. keep writing here. its too much for now in this , i 'd rather like to deviate from this topic now. Now, coming to the primer, dudes . . .this blog was created with sum objectives which are being defeated strongly. this was aimed at sharing our experiences with our frnds frankly. but the empty spaces here shows like that no1 is interested in this ESE (experience-sharing exercise) and it presents sheer neglegence on ur part, so, guyz , i press hard on u to start posting here before this brilliant initiative wil goes waste, and, obviously that shudnt be. c'mon u realise that v well. i m not tryin give an aureate display of pedagogy but i assume that u all hav sufficient courtesy to be a sport and participate here. thats all i can say for the moment. bab-bye 4 nw. cyu later. :)


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